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Writing Documentation

🚧Under Construction
This section of the documentation is not formalized and may change.
Help us by contributing to it on our GitHub.

So, you want to write documentation? hmmm...

1. Create a fork​

To get started, fork our docs repo on GitHub.

2. Clone your fork​

Clone your fork to your local machine. Then, switch to the dev branch.

You can use these Git commands, or alternatively, use the source control menus in your IDE.
git clone<your-username>/docsite.git
git checkout dev

Make sure to keep your fork up to date with the latest changes by periodically syncing it with ours.


Our dev branch is for documentation that is under work in progress. Do not commit your changes to the main branch.

3. Make some changes​

To preview your changes live on your local machine, you'll need to set up a development environment.

3 (a) Setting up the development environment​

From here on, you'll need to have NodeJS and NPM or another suitable package manager installed.

  1. First, install all the dependencies.
Installing dependencies with NPM
npm install
  1. Start the dev server.
npm run start

Now, you should be able to edit the doc files and have them automatically reload in the browser.

3 (b) Writing Documentation​


If you use VS Code, you can use our snippets to help you along the way.

Now it's time for the fun part: write some documentation to your fork.

Make sure to follow our guidelines.

4. Commit and push your changes​

Commit and push your changes to your fork.

5. Submit a pull request​

Submit a pull request to our Avdan-OS/docsite repo. We'll get round to reviewing your changes and if they fit our guidelines we'll merge them into the main repo.

6. Publication​

If all goes well, your docs will eventually be live on this very site. How cool is that?