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Documentation Guidelines

🚧Under Construction
This section of the documentation is not formalized and may change.
Help us by contributing to it on our GitHub.

As with any project, the documentation is very important to keep it organized. This section will go through the guidelines of our documentation.

1. Use Clear Language

Our documentation should use clear language in order to be understood using correct terminology where fitting.

1 (a) Use English

As it is intended for an international audience, all documentation should be written in standard English. Keep any spellings consistent.


Use a spellchecker extension in your IDE/code editor if it doesn't have one in-built, such as Code Spell Checker for VS Code.

1 (b) Be on Point

Do not waste both your or any readers' time by writing too much in any section. If you need to, split your ideas into multiple paragraphs, or even multiple documents if necessary.

Try not to explore more than one main topic on a single page.

Do ✅Don't ❌

Navda is the display server of the AvdanOS project, implemented in Wayland.

Wayland is an alternative to the older X Server standard which lets...

Navda is the display server of the AvdanOS project, implemented in Wayland. Wayland is a protocol alternative to the older X Server standard which lets...

2. Be Helpful

When reading documentation, users may often want to learn more about the various topics mentioned on the page or may want further clarification. We can help make the documentation easier to read by doing the following:

2 (a) Highlight Keywords

Use italics or bold to help make keywords stand out.

Do ✅Don't ❌

Navda is the display server of the AvdanOS project, implemented in Wayland.

The Wayland protocol is an alternative to the older X Server standard which lets...

Navda is the display server of the AvdanOS project, implemented in Wayland.

Wayland is a protocol alternative to the older X Server standard which lets.

External links help guide users to places with more specificity on certain topics. You must make sure the source is trustworthy.

Do ✅Don't ❌

Navda is the display server of the AvdanOS project, implemented in Wayland.

The Wayland protocol is an alternative to the older X Server standard which lets...

Navda is the display server of the AvdanOS project, implemented in Wayland.

Wayland is a protocol alternative to the older X Server standard which lets.

2 (c) Provide Examples

Examples show users how to achieve a specific goal. They should be specific, and any code featured should both be easy to read and also behave as described.


Reference this Docusaurus Section to learn more about putting code blocks into your documentation.

Do ✅:

Stats API — Get the number of AvdanOS downloads
method: "GET",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Authorization": "Bearer " + token, // <--- AvdanOS API token
.then(res => res.json())

Don't ❌:

fetch("", { method: "GET", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", "Authorization": "Bearer " + token, /* <--- AvdanOS API token */ },}).then(res => res.json()).then(console.log);

2 (d) Use Multimedia

A picture is worth a thousand words.

Sometimes, it may be helpful to include pictures and/or videos on a page to help further visualize an idea. These media must not take too long to load, or hinder the user experience.

Do ✅Don't ❌
Include relevant media.Include media that is too long, not relevant to the topic, or is too big in file size.

Process your content before including it in your documentation such as by compressing it.

Tools like FFmpeg are especially useful when processing video.

An example command:

Take 1:40 to 1:50 of input.mp4, remove audio, and compress the clip to WEBM.
ffmpeg -i 'input.mp4' -ss 1:40 -t 0:10 -vf scale=1920:1080 -c:v vp9 -an output.webm

Use newer efficient file formats such as WebM for video or MP3 for audio, or WebP for images.