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Submitting Changes

🚧Under Construction
This section of the documentation is not formalized and may change.
Help us by contributing to it on our GitHub.

Before contributing read Tech stack

Step 1: Clone a repo

For cloning a repo write git clone or download the files from the github site, and then unzip the downloaded repo later.

Step 2: Write code

After you cloned the repo, write some code


When writing code always follow code guidelines, it's really important for code readibility and consistency

Step 3: Fork the repo

After you maked the changes, fork the repo you worked on

Step 4: Publish changes to your fork and make a pr

After you cloned the repo, make the changes (if you wrote a lot of code xor made a big contribution, use command line for pushing changes), and submit a pr

Step 5: You're done!

Congratulations! You contributed the first time to the AvdanOS project! Now you have just to wait for sr. devs to review your code!