Website Design Ideas
Website Ideas
Here we have some different website ideas that are cool but yet to be implemented;
Parallax Effect
Parallax scrolling is a computer graphics technique used by web designers to create a faux-3D effect. As users scroll down as webpage, different layers of content or backgrounds move at different speeds, and this creates an optical illusion.
Using Apple as an example, we can see that they use the Parallax Effect heavily on their product pages;
Here's a page with some of the best parallax scrolling pages:
A tutorial from Fireship:
Day & Night Mode Cycle (Auto Dark Mode)
Just like in the concept, the AvdanOS website could have an auto-dark mode. We can use the Date()
API in JavaScript to get the current time of day and change the site to either light or dark mode.
Shader implementation
Interactive visualization of noises, data, etc.
User agent targeted marketing
We can check the user's user agent
to show a targeted message. User Agent detection should also be used for optimizing the download workflow. Using an API, we can understand the operating system the user is currently running on their computer (and maybe use a poll) and use it to target key distinguishing factors between the user's OS and AvdanOS.
Written by TechStudent11 (TechStudent10#0821)