📄️ About Window
Window is used to control window spawning. It controls main id to unite elements with windows and wraps content in windows.
📄️ close
Window.close is used to close windows. If Object is not a window, it will throw an Error.
📄️ closeTab
Window.closeTab is used to merge some windows into a single one. If any object from ...args is not a tab, it will finish loop and throw an Error.
📄️ get
Window.get returns current window id.
📄️ inc
Window.inc is used to increment window id. It's used after window creation.
📄️ make
Window.make returns a window Object, that can be added to the page. Before adding it you can modify it.
📄️ merge
Window.merge is used to merge some windows into a single one. If main_win is not a window, it will throw an Error.