📄️ About Player
Player is used to control music in demo. It has a list of audios, that it uses to play music, set icons and show duration.
📄️ getDuration
Player.getDuration returns an integer of current audio's duration.
📄️ getIndex
Player.getIndex returns current audio index. It may be used with getList to see more info about current audio.
📄️ getList
Player.getList returns an array with audio infos.
📄️ getTime
Player.getTime returns current time position of the audio.
📄️ getVolume
Player.getVolume returns player volume.
📄️ next
Player.next starts next audio in the list. If it was the last audio, it will launch the first from the list.
📄️ paused
Player.paused will return current audio state.
📄️ next
Player.prev starts previous audio in the list. If it was the first audio, it will launch the last from the list.
📄️ reload
Player.reload() reloads player, player widget and music windows.
📄️ setIndex
Player.setIndex gets an integer and sets audio index if integer is in list range.
📄️ setTime
Player.setVolume sets player time in seconds with given integer (0..audio.duration).
📄️ setVolume
Player.setVolume sets player volume with given integer (1..100).
📄️ toggle
Player.toggle is used to play/pause player.